About Us

Embrace the healing power of secure relationships

What we do

Secure Child is a team of professional counselors and social workers who collaborate with caregivers and community members to promote healthy and secure relationships for all children.

Seventy years of research in attachment and developmental science supports the basic conclusion that secure attachments contribute to healthy development for children. 

We help to alter small interactions to create large changes, leading children to become more and more open and accepting of their parents guidance and wisdom. Caregivers began to feel more confident about what their child needs and how to meet those needs in a way that leaves everyone feeling healthier and more connected. Our focus is less on outward behavior and quick, temporary fixes, and more on making lasting change and improving the quality of life and relationships within the family.

We serve caregivers with children who are displaying behavioral and emotional symptoms resulting from relational, developmental, and/or generational trauma and unhealthy attachment patterns.  We provide attachment assessments, education, and therapeutic intervention. All of our therapists are licensed or masters-level working toward licensure and have mature life and professional experiences.

Who we are

William Whelan, Psy. D.

Clinical Psychologist

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Somer George Ph.D., LPC

Program Coordinator & Clinical Supervisor 

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Greg Czyszczon, Ph.D., LPC

Clinical Supervisor

Rob Whelan, M.A., Ed.S.

Resident in Counseling & Evaluator 

Hannah Jarrett, M.A., Ed.S.

Resident in Counseling & Intake Coordinator

Jade Richardi

Administrative Services Coordinator

Steve Brown

Finance Administrator