
Caregivers | Parents
If you are a parent or caregiver we invite you to email or call us to see if our service is a good fit for your family.

Professionals | Caseworkers
If you are a professional that works with families please email or call to set up a free consultation.
Services we offer
Intensive Therapeutic Intervention (Our primary service)
This relationship-based therapeutic intervention is intended for parents and caregivers who are raising biologic, adoptive, or foster children who display challenging or confusing behavior. This intervention blends therapy with psychoeducation about child development, trauma, attachment, and emotion regulation. It is an individualized approach based on results from a video-recorded evaluation of child relationship patterns and trauma.
Child and Adolescent Therapy
We offer outpatient therapy for the children (ages 3-18) of caregivers who are participating in our intensive therapeutic intervention. Informed by developmental needs, presenting concerns, and results from the family’s attachment assessment, this service utilizes a variety of age-appropriate approaches. The two Secure Child therapists will work together to form a cohesive approach that is best suited for addressing the specific needs of both the child/adolescent and the caregiver(s).
Consultation and Training
We provide consultation for social work staff, administrators, CSA coordinators, and other child welfare professionals to support decision-making around clinical questions, intervention planning, and policy issues related to attachment, trauma, and child development
Group Attachment Security Course for Caregivers
This is a practical course for caregivers whose children have experienced neglect, abuse, loss, trauma, or other developmental challenges. The course meets weekly for 10 weeks in-person or over video conference. It is designed to be psychoeducational and experiential and is not group psychotherapy. The goal is to help caregivers learn additional ways of meeting children’s emotional and relationship needs through co-regulation, soothing, and emotional partnership.
Individual Caregiver Education
This ten-hour course is for caregivers experiencing mild to moderate stress with their child and is aimed at providing education in the fundamentals of attachment processes, trauma, and child development. It can be broadly applied to the special needs of children with histories of loss, maltreatment and trauma.